Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist 104395
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor 4889

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Building Positive Relationships and Reducing Negative Behaviors
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy is an evidence-based parent-child treatment program for caregivers who have children with behavioral problems (e.g., aggression, non-compliance, defiance, and temper tantrums). Originally developed by Dr. Sheila Eyberg, PCIT is a unique treatment program that focuses on promoting positive parent-child relationships and interactions, and teaching caregivers effective child management skills. PCIT has been adapted as an intervention for many different types of families, including children who have experienced trauma, those with children on the autism spectrum, adoptive families, foster families, and very young toddlers
PCIT has two program components:
In the Relationship Enhancement component, caregivers are taught and coached how to decrease negative aspects of the relationship with their child and to develop consistently positive and supportive communication.
In the Strategies for Compliance component, caregivers are taught and coached the elements of effective consequences and child management skills. Parents learn and acquire specific skills, practice these skills until mastery is achieved and the child’s behavior has improved.